Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!

Let me start off by telling you a little bit about myself.  My name is Ivy and I am a new mother to an adorable currently 8 month old little boy named Cyrus.  I have been married about  ayear and a half, but my husband and I have been together for nearly 11 years.  I am a pretty strict vegetarian, but not quite able to commit to veganism.  Maybe someday.  I like working with my hands, I cook, bake, sew, knit, and I am always willing to try learning something new and crafty.  Currently I am a working mom, but that will soon be changing as I am getting laid off in less than a month.  We are trying to work things out so that I will be able to stay home with the baby, but we will see how that goes.

As a mother, I feel like I follow my natural instinct with my son.  I don't like to commit to a label, but I can relate closely to Attachment parenting.  I breast feed, carry my baby, and bed share.  People often say that Cyrus is unusally well behaved and happy and I believe that my parenting technique has contributed to his positive attitude.

In my blog, I will be posting recipes, crafts, ideas, and other experiences of motherhood.  I hope you will join me.

For those of you that our joining me, and would like your chance at winning a carrier of your own, here is a chance for you to win an Ergo carrier of your own:  http://www.breastfeedbabywearclothdiaper.com/7000-facebook-fan-babywearing-giveaway-celebration